Secret Recipes For a Successful Cleaning Business

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Our purpose is to guide your cleaning business towards success. As cleaning might not be the most fascinating of all jobs; however, hygiene is a mandatory act of life in this civilized society. 

Cleaning Leads Pro appreciates everyone that decides to take part in this process. While working as a janitor for eight years, I began to experiment with different techniques to see what worked the best for landing more contracts.

The following tips on driving a successful cleaning business worked for me, and I strongly believe these will work for you too.

Only knowledge sets us apart from the rest. The desire for gaining knowledge must be incessant and consistent

Never cease to learn:

Obviously, the life of a cleaner isn’t interesting but there’s plenty of things to know about this task.

Technology is advancing at a mind-boggling pace now, which is giving birth to more sophisticated equipment for cleaning. 

There are safety issues involved in chemical usage on a property, and we will gladly get you the right info regarding the topic.

Attend seminars, subscribe to professional cleaning blogs and learn about consumer behavior so you could convert our leads easily. Cleaning Leads Pro can get you as far as the interview with decision-makers. The rest depends on your skills and ability to sell.

Find out how email marketing could be used for generating leads.

Network your way to success. More people you’re in good terms with the better will be your chances of success.

Expand your network:

Once people know you or your service they’ll be finding you themselves. But in order to reach that stage, one must be willing to work tirelessly to develop a reliable rapport about themselves.

Branding is crucial if you want to survive in the cleaning business, so make sure you go heavy with both online and offline advertising while slowly nurturing a healthy relationship with customers.



Being responsible and accountable to your clients can breed more positivity.

Clean responsibly:

Regardless of what you are cleaning be it janitorial, air duct or windows and doors, make sure you remain accountable throughout the process.

Lack of concentration could cause you to break expensive household items, which may result in the permanent loss of a regular client.

Clean as if you are cleaning your own house or office by taking complete responsibility for the job.

Nurture a system and follow it:

An organized process leads to better output resulting in a streamlined workflow

Remember, it’s always the routine that drives a continuous workflow in a company year after year. Although the system will eventually get mundane it has to be practiced religiously for growth.

Make sure people are always following a set of guidelines in every step of your cleaning business. A particular set of systems leads to favorable consequences in the future.

Greater ROI will open further opportunities for expansion as a cleaning service.

Ensure a sustainable ROI:

The initial phase of a cleaning business might tempt you to lower the service charges to land more cleaning contracts. 

Instead of compromising on fees, the better option would be to deliver better service quality, which leads to better reviews from clients.

Work for reviews first, then the reviews will be working for you in the long run.

Check out our pricing structure for regular/monthly cleaning contracts.


A just price will encourage cleaners to spend more quality time working alongside your team.

Pay your cleaners well:

At the end of the day, your cleaners will be doing the cleaning for you; therefore, pay them well enough so they remain motivated. 

Your cleaners are going to represent your cleaning business too, which is why training them extensively can result in better customer relationships in the long run.

Train them to greet clients with the utmost respect, and must have the same level of commitment as you for customer satisfaction.

Set aside a certain % for the growth of your cleaning business from every cleaning project you complete

Budgeting is important:

With proper resource allocation, you will notice how wonderfully things start falling into place one after another.

Hire a reliable accountant who is good with numbers as proper budgeting can dramatically boost your growth in a really short time.

This is the same person that will be responsible for keeping service fees at a minimal level.


Telemarketing is a great strategy for appointment scheduling on behalf of  your cleaning business

Hire telemarketers:

Appointment setting with professional telemarketers has the ability to boost sales overnight.

As a matter of fact, it could be overwhelming sometimes to make sure proper cleaning while maintaining a healthy consumer relationship.

Following up on clients is important as it breeds trust and loyalty between customers and service providers


Say no to jobs that don’t bring you value. Declining one offer oftentimes opens doors for other relevant projects eventually.

Feel free to say no at times:

Lastly, if you’re not comfortable with a particular contract/job then don’t hesitate to decline the offer.

It’s not mandatory to take charge of every contract that comes along your way, despite the large sum of money involved.

Sometimes money isn’t the sole aspect of happiness, rather the time we spend doing meaningful jobs will decide our success rate.


The chances of turning any cleaning business successful are slim, simply because the market is heavily saturated. Although cleaning is mandated for every civil society, cleaning contractors are quite failing to leave a mark. Don’t just clean like any other usual cleaners, rather think of ways to make clients remember you. Leave stickers with your contact number on their doors next time, so they think of you whenever the need arises.

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