PPC Vs Social Media: What Ensures Greater Janitorial Profit Margins?

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It is quite possible for your cleaning service to get buried under the existing list of competitors. Therefore, the best way to tackle this problem is by investing your time in whoever you’re marketing your services. The most feasible form of marketing in today’s era would be either PPC or social media marketing. Profit margins will depend on how you are able to attain your marketing objectives while dictating your process to proper usage. A good and effective marketing strategy is all you need to overcome competition and enjoying greater profit margins simultaneously.

There are two main platforms that organizations use today for generating awareness in their customers.

PPC vs Social Media- Where To Stake Your Money?

Now, one might ask, whichever would be more feasible for greater janitorial profit margins…?

[button title=”Ask our community on Facebook” link=”https://www.facebook.com/groups/janitorialsupport” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”3″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

To what extent digital marketing enabling SME’s to grow?

The popularity of internet usage continues to grow exponentially; as a result, there is a decline in television viewership.

Marketing strategies have shifted their focus to the internet where you can engage billions of people worldwide digitally.

It is through these platforms that many organizations are able to reach out to potential customers quickly, faster than any other media like newspaper, radio or even TV.

Whether you are a brand new business starting up or an established industry, digital marketing will still cater to your needs as per the set criteria.

Let’s delve deeper into the gritty details of the differences between Facebook and Google AdWords.

Budgeting to consider before proceeding

One of the biggest factors for any sort of marketing is to set a budget.

Marketing costs money which you pay in return for clients that decide to contact you online.

In the world of eCommerce and digital networking, it is vital to note that you will need to understand where your money is going during any advertisement campaign.

A brief summary of the costs associated with paid advertising tools.


The digital marketing platforms will charge you on the basis of cost-per-click or CPC.

It means how much you’re having to pay for a certain number of times your ads are clicked based on the searched keyword(s).

Google charges a bit more in comparison with Facebook, yet Facebook is less effective at making sales in comparison to Google.

PPC costs for cleaning technicians to secure either high or low position

Cost-Per-Acquisition or Cost of sales

Let’s consider your ads are live on both Google and Facebook and have already paid by clicks that your ads get. 

Now it’s a matter of question that how many of those clicks will convert into sales.

[highlight background=”” color=””]Cost per acquisition is the average sum of money you need to spend in order to make one sale; comparing with CPC which is the initial sum of money you are actually paying.[/highlight]

Keeping these terms in check will help you find out exactly how much you are willing to pay.

Budgeting is a very important factor yet it is only secondary to actually choosing a platform for advertising. 

How to measure the best ad platform for your cleaning company?

Running a digital marketing campaign for your janitorial services isn’t complete as you will also need to consider your marketing objectives.

Marketing objectives lay out the direction you’re headed towards with your janitorial service team.

The most common marketing objectives revolve around making sales and nurturing brand recognition at the same time.

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]These will be discussed in detail up ahead. Before proceeding any further, one must consider their objectives.[/blockquote]

PPC vs Social Media – pick your option

pay-per-click or social media marketing. Choose either both or one depending on your budget.

Facebook and Google are equally effective media where businesses are heavily investing today.

One of these will suit your taste better than the other in regards to your marketing objectives; more importantly, you will need to know their effectiveness at accomplishing marketing objectives.

It is also vital to know how impactful each platform is before spending money on either or both of these platforms.

Find out how they can carry out each of these five marketing objectives.

Facebook ads and remarketing

Facebook is the leading social media network that has further enabled an opportunity for marketing.

It displays ads on the news feed based on a thoroughly researched algorithm.

[fancy_link title=”Like our Facebook page” link=”https://www.facebook.com/cleaningleadspro/” target=”” style=”2″ class=”” download=””]

Facebook advertising is usually less costly compared to Google, yet it can help you reach out to millions of users through ads.

It only stands to reason on which demography you wish to target.

Facebook will post your advertisements in compliance with your request. It is a social network where users can simply log in to connect with their family and friends.

We will further discuss these objectives briefly to give you a clear perspective of the effectiveness of Facebook ads.

Creating awareness in prospects

For those starting out, creating awareness of the main marketing objective is the initial criteria.

Getting brand recognition from Facebook ads has been proven to be effective as the recurring displaying of these brand names all over your newsfeed will heavily impact your buying decision.

If your janitorial services are just starting out, this is the best place to post your ads.

Emailing commercial cleaning leads and attracting them to visit your website would enhance remarketing.

Promotional advertising

Grow your presence across each of these social channels for branding

It is often so that organizations look to make the demographic aware of certain promotions or events.

Advertising promotional events on Facebook is another great way to trigger interest in prospects.

Users can log in and see the displayed ads for your events and promotions.

Facebook also allows its advertisers to insert videos between Facebook ads; thereby, allowing its users to know about ongoing promotional offers.

As a janitorial service, you can host webinars stating the best practices for cleaning certain spots at any office.

Building audience engagement through commenting on posts

Engage the audience by influencing them into commenting on your posts by giving them an instant feed of your activity on social.

When it comes to this, Facebook does a marvelous job.

It is here that you can create a Facebook Page as well as a group for your followers to interact and share their thoughts.

Facebook pages also allow you to message every user personally and collect their feedback instantly.

Furthermore, it also takes your newly joined users to your organization’s page directly, thus, generating a sense of personal connection in their minds.

The page is where they can get to know your latest activities.

Sales from adverts

Commenting results in greater visibility for every post on the newsfeed

Making sales on Facebook is starting to gain momentum today as it continues to solidify itself as an effective marketplace.

However, it is important to take note that the users do not generally log in to just buy or order services.

Rather, it’s a platform where users are simply meant to connect with their friends and family; therefore, expecting a high sales figure by relying solely on Facebook ads would be irrational.

Lead generation using ads

Social media network isn’t a place where someone comes in to fill in forms or register for service.

Janitorial service providers look to generate leads by noting information from prospective clients by leveraging groups for filling out lead forms.

With sales comes leads and it is done best through Google ads because users are more likely to search for the best janitorial services in their area.

It often comes to the point where they need to fill out a contact form as it’s in their best interest since that is what they are here to do.

Final verdict

On the basis of the five main marketing objectives, Facebook stands out as the best ads platform for new businesses.

For those starting up and want to gain momentum in terms of brand recognition and promotion awareness.

However, serious issues such as sales and lead generation, it may not measure up to Google Adwords.

Who’s your winner? Where would you like to stake your money?


Google is the leading search engine today owning 65% of the global search. It is the one source everyone first looks up to if they want to search anything up on the internet.

Bid on the keywords relevant to your ads to make it appear on the very top of every search result

It is estimated that each second, Google receives up to 40,000 search queries from all over the world.

Google is where people usually head to if they are looking to find the right janitorial services.

Google is specific to its advertising and does not miss its mark; as a result, it’s the perfect platform for lead generation.

Yet it does fall a bit short in other aspects such as creating brand awareness.

For target-specific digital marketing, Google is the best option.

Generating awareness

Google, in comparison with Facebook, does not accomplish this marketing objective with full vigor since it is unable to display advertisements as Facebook does.

However, it can still create brand image and awareness but only up to a certain level when people using Google for relevant searches.

Promotional advertising to boost sales

Google ads do not measure up to Facebook when it comes to promotional advertising.

It fails to relay the message of sales offers or events due to the lack of community buildup.

A Google user will not come across promotional ads unless they are using the right keywords, which is not up to the standards for promotional advertising using Google search.

Google ads leverage cookies into your server the moment you land on a website.  

Those cookies in return will then start to display ads across other social platforms. 

No audience engagement from PPC ads 

Google ads are unable to engage their audience.

It is a result of the inability to have two-way communication with the audience.

Google ads aren’t able to accomplish this marketing objective as well as Facebook ads do.

Google ads lack the tools of audience engagement within their repertoire.

Is your cost per acquisition above the sales figure to maintain a healthy balance?

Sales considering the janitorial profit margin

Google stands tall sweeping in one-third of the global virtual market revenue share.

It all comes from being able to make sales unlike any other.

Google is a place where people come to search for things they need to buy or hire a janitorial service; therefore, this stands as the perfect opportunity to display adverts.

Google is where the user has entered those keywords with the sole intent to buy or hire.

It proves to be a better ads platform for janitorial service providers looking to make sales while considering reasonable a janitorial profit margin.


In all seriousness, Google ads are for the established janitorial service providers.

It is for those who are ready to spend more money on high volume searches.

Google also delivers higher sales than Facebook; only its lack of opportunities for newer companies balances the scale.


To sum it all up, digital marketing has taken its place as the most effective form of advertising. It provides cleaning companies with ample opportunities to reach a huge audience. Facebook and Google are the two giants when it comes to leveraging digital ads placement considering janitorial profit margins at the same time. Yet each has its own area of expertise as discussed above. New companies who are starting off will find Facebook as a more viable option. As for the more established organizations that are looking to make sales, Google would be a better option. All the facts stack up but it is up to you to make your choice on what you need for your janitorial services.

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