Unexpected Ways to Get Janitorial Business Leads from Websites

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More and more businesses are establishing themselves online. The digital world has accelerated growth for commerce, and the businesses that once found it challenging for growth are now able to find new customers and even janitorial business leads without seeking help from others. Thanks to the power of the Internet combined with social media.

Going digital is not limited to large organizations only, in fact, it’s the small businesses that are experiencing unprecedented growth.

Janitorial or cleaning businesses in general, are using the digital space for connecting with prospects.

Instead of referring to the latest newspaper, a simple Google search can yield relevant results. Go ahead, type in “cleaning leads” on Google.

[highlight background=”” color=””]Remember, “Ad” posts have commercial intent compared to organic search results that offer qualified janitorial business leads along with useful info for every search term.[/highlight]

But if you’re new to this digital gameplay, it can be an overwhelming experience altogether. Or you may have hit a roadblock; as a result, you’re now looking out for new ways to grow your business.

Regardless of your intentions, here are some of the unexpected ways to generate leads for your janitorial business online.

Start a LinkedIn Profile

Powerful tool that utilizes a combination of features to facilitate lead generation for janitorial businesses

You may have created a website and even built a social profile on various social media channels. But have you considered LinkedIn?

Believe it or not, LinkedIn has proven itself useful for making prospects aware of your offered services, particularly for commercials.

LinkedIn is like Facebook, but slightly professional. It connects businesses with their employees, prospective employees, and even other companies.

Having a well-defined profile there with your credentials, the size of your business, and also a brief note about who you are will give the potential janitorial business leads some hints about your professionalism.

The process can help you to gain a competitive edge over other cleaning services.

Once you have established yourself with well-known clients, follow them on LinkedIn. This can further assist you by being aware of their activity online.

Online Advertising & Marketing:

Social media is the 21st-century hub for businesses of all scales. Find and connect with customers to build rapport and reliability.

One of the biggest online advertisement platforms is developed and owned by Google Alphabet, called Google Adwords.

[list icon=”icon-lamp” image=”” title=”” link=”” target=”_blank” style=”1″ animate=””]

An advertising tool in the world’s biggest search engine means that even a small investment would go a long way.

Moreover, with the Pay Per Click or PPC, you will not have to pay for any space but only for clicks by searchers.


[fancy_heading title=”” h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” slogan=”” style=”icon” animate=””]


Therefore, proper keyword research is crucial as non-relevant keywords must not trigger your ads, clicking which will cause Google to charge money.

This way, there is a more significant chance for your visitors to eventually convert into cleaning leads.

And don’t worry, the returns that you get on these advertisements are way higher than the peanuts that you will be paying for it.

Besides Google Adwords, Facebook too offers an advertising solution where you can also customize your ads according to the budget you are willing to spend on it, and your target audience, including age group, nationality, geographical location, and others.

This helps in keeping your investments focused and gain most out of them.

Colluding With Other Industries

2 + 2 = 5 Synergistic business models give birth to newer and more sustainable businesses with time.

You have seen those offers saying,

‘Buy this, get that free’ 

A similar model can be applied in the world of digital marketing as well.

The commercial cleaning industry has multiple aspects of products involved, for example, cleaning liquids, vacuum cleaners, and even businesses provide labor for house or company cleaning jobs.

[list icon=”icon-lamp” image=”” title=”” link=”” target=”_blank” style=”1″ animate=””]Visit and reach out to those business pages requesting them for placing your adverts.

Visit and reach out to those business pages requesting them for placing your adverts.

Perhaps, a person looking for a vacuum cleaner may find the option to outsource their cleaning more appealing.[/list]

You can also partner up with these companies in two-way deals. They promote your service on their social platforms, and you use their products for all jobs instead.

Forums & Online Discussions

Forums are great information sources for cleaning business owners. However, the approach has to be a value-first method; meaning you need to give first in order to gain later.

Online forums like Reddit and other industry-focused discussion platforms are a great way to make a name for yourself.

Forums discuss a wide range of topics. It’s your job to identify the relevant hot issues on these forums and participate with your professional and technical know-how of things.

[heading tag=”h2″ align=”center” color=”#000″ style=”lines” color2=”#000″]Join our community on Facebook, particularly for janitorial support.[/heading]

[list icon=”icon-lamp” image=”” title=”” link=”” target=”_blank” style=”1″ animate=””]While many other people also come here looking for business cleaning services jobs, many other visits these forums in search of the right people to give these jobs to.

Moreover, Facebook too has numerous groups and pages dedicated to the discussion on commercial cleaning services.

Many of these groups also provide a common platform to those who are looking to hire, and those looking to be hired.[/list]

Content Marketing

Content marketing is genuinely useful in terms of facilitating prospects to find you easily while nurturing trust.

This is where you market your business by developing and sharing creative content, such as videos, blogs, social media posts, and others, aiming at ranking high across search engines.

This helps when people are searching for your services online and find your company at the top, naturally making your website their first click.

The catch, however, is that this content shouldn’t directly be promoting you or your business.

Instead, it has to be about other things relevant to your job, services, and products that may eventually compel and propel that reader to also start thinking about your product, and eventually turn into a lead.

The second catch to this method is that the content that you are creating must comply with the requirements of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

[list icon=”icon-lamp” image=”” title=”” link=”” target=”_blank” style=”1″ animate=””]The several requirements of SEO, for example for written content, include length above three-hundred words, use of headings within the content, and the use of keywords (words or phrases that users use to search your product/service) among others.[/list]

It is common that at times the regular methods of generating leads stop producing results.

These are all the ways that will help you when that time comes. The smartest practice, however, would be to use a combination of these methods and use them intelligently.


This doesn’t mean that you use all these options, though you can do that too, try to develop a formula that works for you. Moreover, decide to adopt the policy of try and test. If something works, good. Keep at it or seek further improvement. If not, analyze why it didn’t work and try a new combination. With the right mix in place, things will eventually start working out.

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